What are the Different Types of Drip Tips for Vapes?

What are the Different Types of Drip Tips for Vapes?


Drip tips are those tiny things that you may not notice in your vape kit when you buy it. However, once you start using the kit, the functionality of the device becomes evident. 

Drip tips for vapes come in many different shapes and sizes, with some being more specialized than others. But how do you know which one to choose? And what is the significance of these things? 

Depending on your personal preference and usage habits, there are a number of different types of drip tips available for vapes. Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a quick overview of each type:

What is a drip tip?

A drip tip is a mouthpiece for vape pens. They come in many different designs and are made from a variety of materials. The most common material used to make drip tips is plastic. Plastic drip tips are very common and can be found in many different colors. They are inexpensive and can be thrown away when they get too worn out or damaged. On the other hand, they don’t look very elegant. Some plastic drip tips are colored and have fancy designs on them. They are a little more expensive than the standard plastic drip tips, but they look more appealing. 

A few other types of drip tips include silicone and wood. Silicone drip tips are ideal for people with allergies to plastic and for those who are looking for a more stylish design. They are a bit more expensive than plastic drip tips, but they are also more durable and look better. Wood drip tips are a bit more expensive than silicone, but they also look a lot better.

The Standard Drip Tip

The standard drip tip is probably one of the most common drip tip designs. It is a small piece of plastic that is attached to the top of your vape. The design is simple, inexpensive, and works well for most vapers. The standard vape drip tip is made of plastic and is attached to the top of your vape with a silicone band. 

It is kept in place with a small amount of tension that keeps it from falling off. The mouthpiece is usually short, but it can also be found in longer models. While the standard drip tip is simple, it is designed to fit most vapes. It will work with most vape pens and even a couple of box mods.

The Silicone Drip Tip

As the name suggests, the silicone drip tip is made from silicone. It is attached to the top of your vape with a silicon band that ensures a secure fit. This drip tip is great for people who are allergic to plastic. It is also better for people who want a mouthpiece that is a bit longer. 

Silicone drip tips come in many different colors and styles. You can choose one that matches your vape or stands out. While the silicone drip tip is made from a better material than the standard vape drip tip, it is also more expensive. It is also a bit more difficult to clean.

The Bottom-Airflow Drip Tip

The bottom-airflow drip tip is a type of drip tip that is specially designed for bottom-airflow vape pens. It is a bit different from the standard drip tip in that it is much shorter. The bottom-airflow drip tip is attached to the vape pen with a silicone band. It is shorter because it needs to sit under the airholes, rather than on top of them. 

Bottom-airflow drip tips are designed to help people who are rebuilding their coils. They allow air to flow through the mouthpiece and get sucked into the coils. If you use a bottom-airflow drip tip on a regular vape pen, it will cause an air restriction. This will make your vape much weaker and will likely damage it in the long run.

The Rebuilding Drip Tip

The rebuilding drip tip is a type of drip tip that is specifically designed for people who are rebuilding their coils. It is much shorter than the standard vape drip tip and is designed to sit under the air holes rather than on top of them. Rebuilding drip tips are specially designed to help the vaper draw the e-liquid and vapor through the coils and into their mouth. They are shorter than the bottom-airflow drip tips, but they perform a similar function. 

Rebuilding drip tips are meant to be used when you’re building your coils. If you use one on a regular vape pen, it will cause an air restriction. This will make your vape much weaker and will likely damage it in the long run.


A drip tip is a mouthpiece for vape pens. They come in many different designs and are made from a variety of materials. Some vape drip tips are designed to be used by people who are rebuilding their coils. They are shorter than the standard drip tips and sit under the airholes of the vape pen. 

Vape drip tips are a great way to personalize your vape kit. They come in many different colors and styles, so you can get one that suits your style and personality. Drip tips are very affordable, so there is no reason not to get one for your vape!

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